

noun tri·fle \ˈtrī-fəl\

: something that does not have much value or importance

: a dessert made of layers of cake, jam or jelly, and custard and topped with whipped cream

Full Definition of TRIFLE

:  something of little value, substance, or importance
:  a dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake often soaked with wine or spirits (as brandy or rum) and topped with layers of preserves, custard, and cream
a trifle
:  to some small degree :  slightly <a trifle annoyed>

Origin of TRIFLE

Middle English trufle, trifle, from Anglo-French trufle, triffle fraud, trick, nonsense
First Known Use: 14th century

Other Food Terms

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Rhymes with TRIFLE


tri·fledtri·fling \-f(ə-)liŋ\

Definition of TRIFLE

intransitive verb
a :  to talk in a jesting or mocking manner or with intent to delude or mislead
b :  to treat someone or something as unimportant
:  to handle something idly
transitive verb
:  to spend or waste in trifling or on trifles
tri·fler \-f(ə-)lər\ noun

Origin of TRIFLE

Middle English truflen, triflen, from Anglo-French trufler to trick, talk nonsense
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of TRIFLE

trifle, toy, dally, flirt, coquet mean to deal with or act toward without serious purpose. trifle may imply playfulness, unconcern, indulgent contempt <to trifle with a lover's feelings>. toy implies acting without full attention or serious exertion of one's powers <a political novice toying with great issues>. dally suggests indulging in thoughts or plans merely as an amusement <dallying with the idea of building a boat someday>. flirt implies an interest or attention that soon passes to another object <flirted with one fashionable ism after another>. coquet implies attracting interest or admiration without serious intention <companies that coquet with environmentalism solely for public relations>.
TRIFLE[1] Defined for Kids


noun tri·fle \ˈtrī-fəl\

Definition of TRIFLE for Kids

:  something of little value or importance



Definition of TRIFLE for Kids

:  to treat (someone or something) as unimportant <Robin … was the more muscular of the twins and not to be trifled with. — Susan Cooper, The Dark is Rising>


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